How can I choose my preferred delivery date/time?
Yes, you may choose your preferred delivery date for only for Truck Delivery service when checking out your purchase. However, there is only 1 available time slot for the delivery. The estimated delivery time for your order to be delivered to you depends on the area zone of your delivery address. You will receive a SMS with your estimated delivery time and tracking link 2 working days prior to the delivery.
The delivery date/time that you have chosen serves as an indication only of your preferred delivery timing to JIJI and is rarely subjected to change. However, JIJI will endeavour to fulfil your order according to your preferred date on a best effort basis but cannot guarantee that it can always be met. If there is difficulty in fulfilling the order within the preferred timing, JIJI will contact the customer the day before the preferred delivery date to notify them of any changes to the preferred date or time.